Monday, May 18, 2009

Alaskan Kids Plant for Arbor Day

FAIRBANKS — A wilderness of trees surrounds the greater Fairbanks area, yet Arbor Day devotees have been planting trees locally for years.

In 1983, an informal group of self-motivated citizens formed an Arbor Day committee and planted two young birch trees — one on either side of the sign at the Cushman Street Transit Station.

Today, 26 years later, the same two trees are leafing out under the warm spring sun, and the small group continues to plant trees across Fairbanks each Arbor Day season.

The goal this year is 50 trees to celebrate Alaska’s 50 years of statehood.

Dick Farris lists the Arbor Day committee as one of the best organizations he’s had the fortune to be part of. • Joy Elementary students get the dirt on Alaska Arbor Day

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